There are numerous reasons that have contributed to the popularity of the LED lights and becoming the most preferred light for the consumers. These lights are safer, environmentally friendly and most importantly it is energy efficient. Another striking feature is that they have a long life span. There is a myth that the life span of the lights is curtailed by turning it off and on frequently. It has been researched that the operating life of a light-emitting diode remains unaffected by turning it on and off. However this is not the case for fluorescent lights, the life-time of these lights is reduced by continuously turning it on and off.

If we talk generally, then we can say that the life span of the bulb is cut down by turning it on and off. The main reason that is contributing to this factor is that when it is first turned on it is cool and the resistance power is minimal so has a high inrush current can damage the filament. Hykolity has combined technology while designing its lights making it super strong so that it can endure all situations. It acts completely different from the above-mentioned situation and providing a good service for a long time. This has been the main reason for LED lights becoming populous among the customers. These lights are pocket and environmentally friendly and effective in terms of energy. Thus, it can be said that traditional lights are hampered by turning off and by switching it ON these LED lights remain unaffected.

Does turning LED lights on and off shorten their life