LED lights need a driver in order to provide and properly deliver the required current or voltage. Here are 2 drivers we are going to talk about...

Constant Current and Constant Voltage

Both current and constant voltage drivers act as a power supply for an LED light source, but they deliver different methods.

Constant Current 

Constant current diode drivers are designed for a spread of output voltages and a set output current (amps). An associate diode that is rated to work on a relentless current driver needs a delegated provide of current (amps). This kind of driver varies the voltage on the associate electronic circuit that permits a relentless electrical current through the device.

Constant Voltage

Constant Voltage drivers are selected for one electrical energy (DC) output voltage, sometimes 12VDC or 24VDC. An LED light rated for a relentless voltage needs a standardized quantity of output voltage to make sure a correct operation. The driver receives a typical voltage around 120-277 volts, generally found in residential receptacles (outlet). This voltage is within the style of electricity voltage (VAC), that the driver steps-down into a low direct current voltage (VDC). Constant voltage drivers are attached in signage when the total amount of LED loads will vary.