Why Do You Need 0-10V Dimmers for Big Savings?

Dimmer Switches

If you are using commercial LED lights in lower ceilings, how often do you really need full output? You get high lumen fixtures just in case, but it would be nice if you can cut down the brightness once in a while. Dimmers for your LED light fixtures can be the difference between big savings and great savings. So what are dimmers? And why should you use them?

All About 0-10V Dimmers

A 0-10V dimmer lowers the output of your LED light fixtures, giving you control over how bright your room is. It does this by shunting voltage provided by the fixture’s LED driver based on your desired level of brightness. Your desired output level scales directly with the voltage level; if the dimmer is kept at 10V, you’ll get 100% output while if you slide it down to 4V, you’ll get 40% the output.

While the benefits of being able to control your output are apparent, the monetary benefits are arguably greater. Dimming your LED light fixtures means they use less energy because LEDs only take as much power they need to run. So if your LED high bays are at 50% output, they will only use half its regular energy consumption.

What Can I Use Dimmers With?

0-10V dimmers are compatible with larger LED fixtures like high bays (linear and UFO), flat panels, and troffers. They cannot be used with LED light bulbs because their watt restrictions will make the LED light bulb flicker and hum. To dim products like LED corn bulbs, you will need to use a LED/CFL dimmer. Always read the instructions on your 0-10V dimmer to ensure safety and proper wiring. Match the dimmer's polarity with the driver’s. Otherwise, you will risk burning out your LED fixtures well before the end of their lifespan.

A 0-10V dimmer is a valuable accessory to your larger LED fixtures, giving you control and energy savings. We always recommend looking to a certified electrician to help with the wiring process. Learn how in a future post. Also, come back for more weekly articles and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.